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Talent Development new

Talent Development

Managing teams today is different. It requires a greater focus on people and relationships. A leader must be able to attract, collaborate and motivate regardless of where they operate - online, in the office and in any other digital way.

HRDigi TOPpage
Analýza potřeb

 - Discovery Camp

 - KnackApp (gamifikace)


- Obchodní akademie

- Smarter Selling

- Think On Your Feet (pohotová komunikace)


- Adaptive leadership

- Talent Management

- Týmový a indovoduální koučink


- Assessment KnackApp

- Manažerské dovednosti

- Softskills

Wellbeing & Mindfulness

- Search Inside Yourself

- Adaptive resilience

- Mindfulness


- Learning Experience Platforms

- Preparation

- Reporting


Leadership and mindfulness

Leadership program that originated in Google

The Search Inside Yourself program teaches mindfulness, emotional intelligence and leadership.



Video game education

97% of graduates used the experience gained in their practice and 99% improved their skills.


Leadership Development

Adaptive Leadership

Today's leader is within reach - online, in the office and digitally without distinction. In addition, he can attract, collaborate and motivate in these environments.

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Motivation of teams in tense situations

Dr. Paul Marciano is a world authority on motivation

Workshops based on the bestsellers "Carrot and Stick don't work" and "Let's talk about it" will provide leadeship tools to retain employees and to develop their talents.

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Blog: Talent Development
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