It started with a question: "When should I go to the office?". Then came the question, "Why put work first?" Today, employees are solving a new equation: 'Is it even worth it for me?'
of employees are more likely to prioritise health and well-being over work compared to pre-pandemic.
Generation Z and millennials will consider changing employers this year, a 3% increase year-on-year.
is the increase in time spent in meetings by the average Teams user from February 2020.
Is it worth it for me?
The experience of the last two years has literally re-shaped our priorities, shifted our identity and our views on the world we live in today. They have drawn a line between what is important to most of us - health, family, time, meaning - and what is not.
As a result, the employee equation of "is it worth it for me?" has changed to reflect what people want from work and what they are willing to sacrifice. Feelings of importance, influence, or certain perks like free food or a big office are no longer the primary motivators.
In the Work Trend Index 2022 study, 47% of respondents said they prioritise family and personal life over work more than they did before the pandemic. In addition, 53% of respondents, especially parents (55%) and women (56%), say they prioritise their health and wellbeing over work more than before.
Examples of changing perceptions of work
"I used to think of work as being part of my own identity. Now, for me, work is something I do, but it is no longer a part of me."
IT professional in the energy industry
"I can still be successful at work, I just need to make more balanced decisions that take my personal interests more into account."
Manager in mid-level management
"When I do not commute to work, I have more time for my family. For example, I spend time cooking and then we eat together."
Employee in the service industry
Hybrid work requires new team standards
Only a few companies have created new team norms that ensure teams spend some of their time together.
of employees who work remotely say they don't feel part of the meetings.
of companies have created a new etiquette for hybrid meetings where everyone feels drawn in and involved.
Investing in technology is not enough
Data suggests that companies are investing in technology, but more needs to be done in the area of company culture. 54% of executives are currently redesigning their spaces for hybrid working or plan to do so in the coming year.
Despite this, only 27% of organisations have implemented a new hybrid working etiquette. Perhaps as a result, a full 43% of telecommuting employees and 44% of hybrid employees said they did not feel comfortable being part of meetings.
Key Lessons
Top management must define why, when and how work is done and redefine the purpose of personal collaboration, creating team norms and agreements on them. This should include when to meet in person, the etiquette of hybrid meetings and a rethinking of the role of the space itself.
Organisations that fail to grasp the new concepts and role of the office risk losing out on the real benefits of hybrid working and losing employees.
Example of a hybrid work planning tool
Top management can use Viva Insight tool and service for analysis and planning in Microsoft platform environment. This service improves productivity and well-being through data-driven recommendations.
An example of a Viva Insights report for top management: based on real behaviour, it provides details of how managers spend time with their people during the day and recommendations on what and how to improve.
More about Microsoft Viva Insights:
Source of survey data: Microsoft Work Trend Index 2022